HKL Research Video Tutorials

HKL Research maintains a channel on YouTube to provide video tutorials covering various aspects of processing diffraction data and determining structures using HKL-2000 and HKL-3000. The tutorial pages on this website provide the videos as well as printable and downloadable versions of the tutorial scripts. We hope you find these resources helpful. 

XDisp QT

This tutorial covers the new diffraction image display program. This program can be used to visualize your data, initialize indexing, and watch the integration process.

Data Processing and Scaling

This tutorial covers data processing and scaling using HKL-2000 or HKL-3000. This process starts with diffraction data and produces a scaled data set, ready for structure determination.

HKL-3000 SAD Structure Determination

This tutorial covers structure determination in HKL-3000 using SAD (single-wavelength anomalous diffraction) data. It assumes you have already scaled your data, so start with one of the other tutorials if you are starting with diffraction images.

Automatic Data Processing and Structure Determination

This tutorial covers the robust automatic functions of the HKL suite to process and scale your data (HKL-2000 & HKL-3000) and to automatically determine the structure (HKL-3000). In many cases, this will allow you to go from diffraction data to a fairly complete model with minimal intervention